Hungarian Letter of News is a bi-monthly that offers a duel focus with fresh information on both the performance and the cultural/political scenes.
Produced in collaboration with Szinhaz Magazine in Budapest, our correspondents are Andrea Tompa, Támas Jászay, and Noémi Herczog—all well respected critics and journalists in Hungary and abroad.
As we move into this new year/reality, we believe keeping doors open for people and information is critical.
Click on any issue to read in full.

International Theatre Prizes: Krétakör (Chalk Circle) and Viktor Bodó
The two new shows of Árpád Schilling
Theatre Critic’s Award, Hungary 2016
Young directors I: Children of Dollar Daddy: A New Approach to the
Role of the “Director”
Young directors II: Andrea Pass & Kristóf Kelemen – Two Young Answers to the Question of Talent and Starting a Career.
Cultural Politics
Appointing a Director: A New Ideology
SZINHAZ Magazine: From the Brink
From Our Side: Bela Pinter US Tour
Controversial Issues: National Theatre Festival in Hungary ‘POSZT XVII.’ – a Festival in the Provinces
Political Performances and Intermodality of Árpád Schilling
Applied Theatre Projects in Hungarian Provinces: Collaboration with
the Roma people
Verbatim Theatre and the Memory of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution
From Our Side:
Csaba Horvath: Blood Wedding at the Wilma
Thrilling, brutalizing tragedy of passion and fate – review by
John Timpane, Philadelphia Inquirer
Shaping Blood Wedding – Walter Bilderback, Wilma Theatre Dramaturg
US Theatre Folk Heading to Budapest This Month
Vaterland: Csaba Horváth facing the hidden past
The Krakken-mission: Viktor Bodó returns to Hungarian stages
Richard III lives with us, according to Andrei Serban
Garden of the Protected Men opens by STEREO Akt
The Alföldi-case – censorship in Hungary?
From Our Side:
Albuquerque Gets a Promenade
László Upor to New York Theatre Workshop’s Lab at Dartmouth
Edward II – A new show by Róbert Alföldi
Diary of a Madman – A new show by Viktor Bodó
Controversial Issues I: Park Protectors vs. Hungarian government
Controversial Issues II: The Népszabadság story – black day of press
From Our Side: Martin Boross presents Promenade in Baltimore
Bartók: String Quartet no. 5/Concerto – a new show by Csaba Horváth
A festival for young and emerging artists – Nextfeszt 2017
A festival in preparation – dunaPart 4
Controversial issue: Writers protest against the state subsidy of
Carpathian Basin Talent Centre
From Our Side: Martin Boross’s Promenade: Baltimore and Horváth in Philadelphia
Bonus: “You called me, dear Führer!” Béla Pintér: The Champion
Peer Gynt Underground
Hungarian Theatre Critics’ Award 2017
Árpád Schilling, Enemy of the Nation
#MeToo in Hungary: Scandal at the Theatre
dunaPart 4 – Summary and evaluation
Hamlet for the next generation
Béla Pintér’s new piece at the Katona
Róbert Alföldi and the ‘lower depths’: Fassbinder, Tolstoy
From Our Side: Budapest comes to Albuquerque
Elections in Hungary: Unclear Policies of the New Government, Continuing Devaluation of the Cultural Sphere
Liberation from the Male Gaze – Queendom by Veronika Szabó
The Poetry of the Absurd – a portrait of Ádám Fekete, young playwright, director, actor and dramaturg
Our choreographed life – The Swan by Ferenc Molnár in Örkény Theatre, directed by Csaba Polgár
Beyond all boundaries – Sunday by Hodworks in Trafó
Controversy: Homophobic Press Campaign around Billy Elliot
National Theatre Festival ‘POSZT2018’ Awards Abusive Director
The Politician as Artist – Subversive Humor and Performativity in Hungarian Politics
Show on Propaganda and Hate Speech: A Market-Day
Trafó House of Contemporary Arts Presents: Theatre and Intermediality in Hungarian Independent Shows/TÁP Theatre/DoN’t Eat Group
Women’s Reform in Hungarian Show Business
From Our Side:
Noémi Herczog’s US Lecture Tour Oct/Nov 2018
StereoAkt Making Albuquerque Promenade Nov/Dec 2018
Virus in the system - Observers by Kristóf Kelemen
Dying is easy, but living is...? - Vanishing Senses by Andrea Pass
Speaking of our secrets - Anniversary Discussions by Béla Pintér
New directions at the Budapest Operetta and Musical Theatre
The Great Dictator by Enikő Eszenyi
Protests against Orbán - causes and effects
From Our Side:
StereoAkt's Promenade in Albuquerque Nov/Dec 2018
Noémi Herczog's US Lecture Tour Oct/Nov 2018
Howard Shalwitz, Margaret Lawrence, Jarod Hanson, and Philip Arnoult in Budapest Nov/Dec 2018
Péter Halász Award: A New Prize for Experimental Theatre
Cruelty and Suffering with a Theatrical Look – Árvácska by Dollardaddy
Where is God in The Ten Commandments? – 10 of Csaba Székely in Radnóti Színház
What is Happening to You, Independent Theatre? – The Symptoms Reality by The Symptoms
Fight for the Soul of Science: Hungarian Academy of Science Under Attack
Special Report from Andrea Tompa: Control and Silence: The Abolition of a Tax Law
From Our Side:
Béla Pintér at Peabody Opera, Martin Boross with Rattlestick Playwrights Theater, Árpád Schilling with The Imaginists.
Shaxpeare-wash of Kertész Street – the new piece of Viktor Bodó at Örkény Theatre Budapest
Two new pieces of Company Forte and Csaba Horváth: Auto-da-Fé and Away, No Matter Where
One Percentage Native American of Látókép Ensemble and Szabolcs Hajdu
Roma Heroes: a festival and a production, The Defectives, of Independent Theatre
What Comes after the Abolition of the Corporate Tax Donation?
A Lifeguard for Hungarian NGOs and the Cultural Scene: Autonomous Culture Tender by Summa Artium and George Soros
News from Hungary: the situation of the CEU and the Academy; municipal elections
An interview with exiled director Árpád Schilling
From Our Side:
18 Americans at dunaPart in Budapest next week
Bela Pinter directs his opera, , in Baltimore, with the Peabody Opera, at the Baltimore Museum of Art, 13 – 16 March
The death and rebirth of a University: from SZFE to Freeszfe
Theatre in the shadow of the pandemic: the fight of independents and repertory theatres against the pandemic
Attila Vidnyánszky is in charge of...
A country of theatres of harassment?
Gay people on Hungarian stages - no space for them?
- Interview with Róbert Alföldi on the pedophile law and its possible consequences
- Theatre professionals in Hungary and abroad mourn the death of Anna Lengyel
Is Hungarian Theatre Still (A)Live During Pandemics? – Örkény Theatre's Andromache directed by Ildikó Gáspár; the Independent Theater Hungary's Kosovo mon Amour; Closer by Panna Adorjáni & Dániel Láng; Szkéné Theatre's It Stays Between Us; and Trafó House's e-Audience program.
Dreaming of Being on Stage and Forgetting the Lines – 33 Dreams, Viktor Bodó's new piece at the Örkény Theatre Budapest
Theatre of Death – The Dead of Kál, András Dömötör’s new piece based on János Térey’s novel at the Katona József Theatre Budapest
Theatre of Adults? – Two new shows by Róbert Alföldi
Hungarian Directors as Guests in Their Homeland – Panni Néder and Árpád Schilling at the Budapest Autumn Festival
Young Directors: Kristóf Kelemen, Zita Szenteczki, Jakab Tarnóczi and Dominik Kabdebon.
Freeszfe from a (Half-) Insider's Perspective – a short brief of the Freeszfe Society's documentary short film premiere and debate at the Maxim Gorki Theatre Berlin, and their charity auction
On the War
Theatre Olympics2023 in Hungary – Coming soon... But who Needs it?
Political Loyalty Pays Well: New Rector at the University of Theatre and Film Arts
Young Companies – Separate Directions. k2 and Narrativa
Theatre about the Memory of Anna Lengyel – A Cancer Documentary ’Tis a Pity it’s Cancer or Always Look on the Bright Side of Life’ by PanoDráma in Trafó – House of Contemporary Arts
A Generation “Z” Pandemic-Piece – Directed by Andrea Pass ‘I Step Loudly and the Octogon Square Echoes’ – SzínMűhely Foundation
Women in Hungarian Theatre. Ildikó Gáspár; Kata Wéber; Zsófia Geréb; Veronika Szabó
Scenography, Design, Performativity. ’Not Big Travaille’ exhibition; ’Infinite Dune’ and ’Waterfields’ immersive installations
Solo Performance – Autobiography – 3rd Generation Holocaust Memory
László Göndör – Éva Katona: ’Living in Dream with Grandma’ – Trafó
Post-Lock Down Performativity – New Directions
Theatre is the City – Theatre at Public Places; ‘Home’ by the Children of Dollar Daddy; ’Nike’ by Kristóf Kelemen; ’Little Melting Pot’ by Judit Böröcz – Bence György Pálinkás, ‘Hamlet’ – Franciska Éry; Collective Aesthetics: ’Watermelon Republic’
Hungarian Films in the Official Program of the Segal Center’s Film Festival (FTP) – New York
Roma Heroes European Dramas Book Launch; Roma Theatre Retrospective on Howlround
Schizophrenia I – A war on protestors
A Country that is Two, Part I – Parallel worlds
Do You Feel the T-Pain? – The Trianon Battle
Portrait of a Young Woman – Márta Béres’ One Girl Show
More Portraits – A highlight of books by Petra Doma, Kinga Boros, Kornélia Deres, and Noémi Herczog
Schizophrenia II – How do you pronounce the C-word? A panorama on censorship
Schizophrenia III – Reviews and the “Make or Break” mentality
F..K Censorship! – An exhibition and more about fearless speech
A Country that is Two, Part II – Cathedrals and huts
A Country that is Two, Part III – Fireworks and gaslights
Is it Over Yet? – Art and morality
Covid-19, war, energy price rise – what next?
What does the theatre cost us? Notes on subsidizing theatre life in Hungary
And the award goes to... Theatrical awards and the price of independence
Happy birthday, Jurányi!
Survive at all costs – that was the 32nd THEALTER Festival
Under construction - Viktor Bodó's at Vígszínház
A Little Hungarian Pornography - by Róbert Alföldi at the Centrál Theatre
East is East – at the Trafó
Ibsen through women's eyes - Ildikó Gáspár staged at the Örkény, Kriszta Székely directed at the Katona
The Manifesto of the Independent Performing Arts Alliance
End of an Era - Independent Theaters can Disappear from Hungary
It Takes Courage to Face This: Interview with RÉKA SZABÓ (SYMPTOMS)
University Immobilized - ERASMUS+ EMBARGO & Political takeover of THE DOCTORAL SCHOOL OF SZFE
Up in the Cloud! - Let's GoVirtual! Online Switch of SZÍNHÁZ MAGAZINE
Never Again! The 14th Anniversary of the Roma Murders in Hungary
A Refreshing Venue: ÖRKÉNY THEATRE
Nationalism and What Hungarian Theatre Responds
Collaborative Thetre Forum in Debrecen
The Next Generation
March Tours Abroad - Sweden and Italy
Ibsen through women's eyes - Ildikó Gáspár staged at the Örkény, Kriszta Székely directed at the Katona
Disproportionate Parade and Show of Force at the 10th International Theatre Olympics
Independent Artists as Endangered Species: The End is Nearer than Ever.
War on Hungarian Stages
Independent theatre-makers in ‘stone theatres’ – Szabolcs Hajdu directing his new play at the Radnóti Theatre
Rudolf Lábán Award – The Independent Professional Award for The Best Hungarian Contemporary Dance Performance
Idol – a contemporary dance performance with non-normative and able-bodied performers, produced by ArtMenők (ArtMan Association) and Hodworks at Trafó House
Balázs Dohy – a young emerging director
A text by Csaba Székely, a Hungarian playwright from Transylvania canceled at Vígszínház
A Brief Political Landscape of Hungary: Homophobia Normalized – LGBTQ+ Books in Cellophane
Reporter’s Bio and Farewell
Independent companies closing down or slowly dying
Színház – the new website
Robert Icke’ The Doctor in Átrium directed by Róbert Alföldi, premiered in July 2023
Béla Pintér’s new show: Réka and the unvaccinated
Viktor’s Bodó two new premiers in Budapest focusing on addiction
Ephemeral projects by Kristóf Kelemen